Appendix 2: commercial bins on the highway

Requested adjustments


Below are the requested adjustments (in bold) and advice from officers (bullet points).


We would like to propose a pause on the roll out of the measures in April 2022

Bins/sacks can be placed on the streets overnight as is currently allowed, but they should be serviced and taken back off the street by an agreed time in the morning or incur the fine.

To help with keeping the streets consistent and tidy, we propose all commercial suppliers use a uniform, single coloured bin and/or storage bag (for kerbside sacks)

Adjusting and/or staggering the collection times across the T zones – rather than one fixed time for the whole city 

·         At the meeting and, in a subsequent email from the Assistant Director to the attendees, further information was requested on this in terms of which areas would benefit from staggered times and what times would work for the waste management providers

·         This further information has not yet been provided

Nominate designated areas/streets to locate (agreed quantities of) bins

·         Farmyard (rear of Cranborne Street)

o   The source of many complaints about commercial bins on the highway

o   There are offices with entrances and fire exits into Farmyard

o   Only services 13-14 businesses, unless businesses from further away are allowed / willing to take their waste here

·         Steine Street

o   Very residential and narrow street

o   Existing concerns about criminal and anti-social behaviour on this road which any bins present provide an opportunity for

·         Pool Valley (behind bus stops)

o   The source of many complaints about commercial bins on the highway

o   Bins already here are used to stand on to graffiti

o   This is the first place many tourists see when the get to the city

·         Spring Gardens

o   Quite a distance from many businesses

o   Not much room on the highway unless parking spaces are used

·         Ship Street (abandoned car park)

o   This is not a council-owned car park. Any businesses seeking to use this land would need to discuss directly with the landowner

Create attractive bin store areas designed to locate the above with commissioned artworks and/or advertise the city’s recycling performance 

·         Bin stores become a target for arson or other antisocial behaviour which the council would be responsible for managing

Allow the use of bus lanes within certain times of day for commercial and council waste contractors to aid timely waste collections and clear waste by business hours

·         Only prescribed vehicles can use the bus lanes as per the Traffic Regulation Orders. If there are wider exclusions, then the bus lanes would not serve their purpose of providing unfettered bus priority. If more vehicles classes were permitted, it would likely lead to intervention by the Traffic Commissioner

Incentives/initiatives for businesses to reduce their waste outputs and increase recycling

Incentives for commercial waste suppliers to use zero emission alternatives for collections


They also stated a number of unforeseen consequences of our approach:

A significant reduction in business recycling capability, including food waste recycling, cardboard recycling, plastic recycling, glass recycling and mixed packaging recycling

Increased HGV traffic in the city from waste operators during rush hours (waste contractors typically service bins and sacks on the street very early morning and pre-rush hour)

Increased emissions and carbon footprint from HGV vehicles due to the above

Increased health and safety risks associated with the above

Increased cost to businesses for alternative solutions (evening collections, in-business collections during office hours, increased frequency collections will all cost more)

Loss of operational business space inside businesses (and therefore an additional cost to the business), particularly F&B/Hospitality, due to additional storage requirements (many businesses do not even have sufficient space in the first place)